2017 Wage and Benefit Survey

Goals of the Survey

The most important goal of this survey is to provide accurate information to both employees and employers regarding the industry “standards” and trends regarding the location analyst’s salary and benefits.

A second goal of this survey is to help personnel and human resource departments to better understand the kind of compensation package required in order to attract (and keep) quality location analysts. Too often these departments look only at education and experience requirements and do not understand the post-college training, special skills, demanding schedules, and national shortage of location analysts.

Download the Word document with detailed results.

Notes to Results

  1. Some questionnaires were discarded based on incomplete information. Overall, 35 completed survey forms were kept.
  2. Not all respondents completed every question. Therefore, some questions have a base count of less than 35. The base count is noted for results where that count may be important.
  3. Compared to the 2013 survey, average salaries were $103,057, up about $1,281 per year, or about 1%. This annual rise is consistent with the three-year rise also seen between the 2010 and 2013 surveys.
  4. 66% of respondents received bonuses that averaged $16,440. The average bonus, including people who received no bonus, was $10,804, or 10% of base salary. This percentage is down from 14% in the 2013 survey, and 13% in the 2010 survey.
  5. Consultant salaries have gone down by about 1% annually over the past 4 years. They tend to have considerably more experience, receive much less in bonuses and benefits, and spend much more time away from home (101 days for consultants, versus 42 days for non-consultants). Most categories reported more overnight days in the field compared to the 2013 survey.
  6. Not surprisingly, salaries increase linearly with experience. Beginning analysts with little experience (less than 3 years) are generally paid salaries in the $50-70k range. After 10 years of experience, the relationship between experience and salary is less direct, and salary is more strongly related to job title (e.g. Manager or Director).
  7. There is a slightly higher satisfaction with current salary compared to the 2013 survey results.

Summary table of Results 

  2017 2013 2010
Average salary (All) $103,057 $99,214 $96,130
Average salary: Analyst $61,857 $59,583 $53,250
Average salary: Senior Analyst $87,111 $91,000 $89,220
Average salary: Manager / Director $125,789 $128,500 $106,230
Average bonus 10% 14% 13%
Average salary: 0-3 years experience $60,167 $53,875 $71,250
Average salary: 4-10 years experience $89,167 $95,000 $83,750
Average salary: more than 10 years $114,524 $108,565 $108,040
Average days in the field (overnight) 56 48 43